weed in Crete, Greece

Weed in Crete, Greece: Your Guide to Cannabis

Crete is the biggest island in Greece, famous for its beautiful views, deep history, and lively culture. It’s also a place where people love cannabis. This guide will help you understand the cannabis scene in Crete, whether you’re a regular user or just interested.

We’ll talk about the laws on weed for fun and for health. You’ll see where to find cannabis products and how to get them. We’ll also look at the history of cannabis in Greece, its politics, and how it affects the environment and economy.

Key Takeaways weed in Crete, Greece

  • Recreational cannabis is still illegal in Greece. Selling it can get you up to eight years in jail.
  • But, in 2017, Greece made medicinal cannabis legal. Yet, you can’t buy it here.
  • CBD is okay in Greece if it has less than 0.2% THC.
  • Crete is a top spot for cannabis lovers, with places and activities for them.
  • The cannabis industry could really boost Greece’s economy. The European market for medical cannabis is expected to make over EUR 50 billion a year.

Cannabis Laws in Greece

In Greece, having or selling cannabis for fun is still against the law. But, they have made it legal for medical use. It’s important to know the laws if you’re into the cannabis scene in Greece.


Having up to 5 grams of cannabis for yourself is mostly okay in Greece. But, you could get up to 5 months in jail. If it’s your first time and you don’t get caught again in 5 years, you might not go to jail. But, it will still be on your record.


Selling or sharing cannabis is a big no-no in Greece. You could get up to 8 years in jail and fines from €50,000 to €500,000. Teachers and doctors get even harsher punishments, like life in jail.

Offense Penalty
Possession of up to 5 grams of cannabis Up to 5 months in prison (sentence may be suspended)
Distribution of cannabis Up to 8 years in prison, €50,000 to €500,000 in fines
Cannabis distribution by public officials Life sentence

The Greek government has made medical cannabis legal. But, you can’t use it for fun. If you’re into the cannabis business in Greece, keep up with the law and get advice from experts to follow it.

Is CBD Legal in Greece?

Yes, CBD is legal in Greece since 2017. You can buy or sell CBD oil there if it comes from EU-certified plants. But, not many people use CBD yet, even though more are starting to.

CBD oil must have less than 0.2% THC to be legal, as EU rules say. It’s smart to buy CBD from trusted sellers to stay out of trouble. The Greek government now sees the health benefits of cannabis. This means you can get CBD oil legally, but only within certain limits.

Regulation Details
CBD Legality Legal in Greece, with a THC limit of 0.2%
CBD Oil Availability Available in pharmacies, health stores, and online
Medical Cannabis Legally accessible with a prescription from a doctor
Industrial Hemp Legal to cultivate with government approval, typically containing less than 0.2% THC

The rules on CBD legality in Greece are getting friendlier. You can now buy and sell CBD oil as long as it follows EU regulations. The CBD market is growing, thanks to the government’s open view on cannabis.

Sending weed Seeds to Greece

In Greece, you can buy, sell, and own cannabis seeds. You can even get them by mail from other countries. But, you can’t grow the seeds because growing marijuana is illegal.

Greece has a great climate for growing cannabis. But, they don’t want people to grow it for fun or health reasons. So, you can buy seeds, but you can’t grow them.

Seeds For Me is a trusted seed bank for Greece.

Strain THC % Indoor Yield Outdoor Yield Flowering Time Height
Greek Landrace Cretan 14 – 18% Medium 500 – 600 gr/plant Indoor: 11-12 weeks, Outdoor: October 300 – 400 cm

You can get these seeds in many places in Greece. This includes Acharavi to Thessaloniki and more. So, people all over Greece can get these top-quality seeds from the US.

It’s okay to have and sell cannabis seeds in Greece. But, growing marijuana is still a big no-no. If you grow it, you could face up to five months in jail for a little bit or eight years if you share it.

Medicinal weed in Greece

Greece is slowly getting into the medical cannabis business. It made a big move in 2017 by legalizing it. This made Greece the sixth country in the European Union to allow medical cannabis.

Production and Sales

Greece changed how it sees cannabis, making it a Class B drug. This change was to help with medical use. In 2018, a new law let Greece make its own medical cannabis.

But, patients can only get these products with a doctor’s note. They must get them from pharmacists. This is because all medical cannabis comes from other countries until Greece makes its own.

But, that’s about to change. In April 2022, a top official said medical cannabis will be made and sold in Greece this year. This will make it easier for patients to get what they need.

Economic Impact

More countries are making medical cannabis legal. This could make the European market worth over €50 billion a year. Greece is planning to start its own cannabis farms.

This could bring in an extra 1.5 billion euros a year and create new jobs. Greece is working hard to grow its medical cannabis industry. This will bring in money and help patients get the help they need.

Industrial Hemp in Greece

In March 2018, Greece made it legal to grow and use industrial hemp. This change lets people make many products from it, like building materials and clothes. It also makes paper and biodegradable plastics.

All industrial hemp in Greece must have less than 0.2% THC. This rule keeps hemp use legal and safe. It stops it from being used as a drug.

This new law has opened doors for many people. Entrepreneurs, farmers, and makers can now use hemp’s many benefits. Greece is working on making sustainable products with hemp. This will help make our economy and planet greener.

Product Application
Hemp Fiber Textiles, clothing, ropes, and building materials
Hemp Seed Oil Cooking, cosmetics, and nutritional supplements
Hemp Protein Vegan and vegetarian food products
Hemp Hurds Animal bedding, insulation, and paper production

Greece is excited about industrial hemp. It sees a bright future with this crop. It will help make our world greener and more eco-friendly.

History and Politics of weed in Greece

Cannabis has been in Greece for thousands of years. It was important in the culture and society. The laws about cannabis in Greece have changed a lot over time.

Historical Context

Cannabis came to Greece long before now. Archaeologists found evidence of opium poppy, a relative of cannabis, from the Bronze Age. Ancient Greeks used cannabis smoke in rituals.

In ancient Greece, people used plants like poppies and cannabis for rituals and medicine. The shrine of Asclepius was a big healing place that used these plants.

Now, having up to five grams of cannabis is okay for fun. But growing it is a big no-no. Greece also says yes to medical cannabis for some illnesses. They even use telemedicine to help people get this treatment.

The story of cannabis in Greece mixes with its culture and history. It shows how the plant, its users, and the government have interacted over time.

cannabis history greece

Weed in Crete, Greece

Availability and Access

Crete is a big island in Greece that lots of tourists visit. But, finding weed in Crete can be hard for visitors. Recreational marijuana is illegal in Greece. Yet, there’s a big black market and risks for those who want cannabis.

Police in Crete can be tough, and getting caught with weed in Crete can lead to big trouble. You could get fined or even put in jail. So, tourists should be very careful when looking for cannabis.

The cannabis trade also affects the local people. It can lead to more crime and corruption. Tourists should think about how their actions might affect others in Crete.

Even though it’s illegal, cannabis is easy to find in, especially in places where tourists go. If you want to try the local weed, know the risks and be careful to stay safe and follow the law.

Characteristic Details
Flowering time 11-12 weeks
Regional harvest Mid-end of October outdoor in Greece
Yield 500-600 grams of dried flowers per plant (outdoor)
THC levels 14-18%
Plant height 3-4 meters in optimal conditions in a natural outdoor environment
Temperature tolerance Very hot summer days (40°-45° Celsius)
Altitude tolerance Grows at 400-500 meters above sea level
Genetic profile Landrace dominance for the genetic profile
Indoors growth cycle Flowering completed at 12 weeks
Estimated THC range 15-18%
Smoking experience Uplifting sativa with herbal and hashy flavors
Genetic uniqueness Very rare genotype with no relatives

In 2017, Greece made it legal to use cannabis for medical reasons. Then, in March 2018, the Greek Parliament passed a law. This law allowed for the growth and making of medical cannabis in Greece.

“The availability and access to cannabis in Crete can be a significant concern for tourists, as the legal landscape remains complex and the risks can be high. Responsible travelers should research the local laws and exercise caution when seeking weed in Crete.”

Environmental Impacts

The cannabis industry in Crete and Greece is getting bigger. This brings up worries about how it affects the environment. Growing and making cannabis can harm the local environment. It can use a lot of water, damage the soil, and pollute the air.

One big worry is how much water it uses. The Cretan cannabis can grow really tall and takes about 11-12 weeks to flower. Old Cretan farmers grew it in rocky places to hide it. But as more grow it, it might use too much water in Crete.

Another problem is soil damage. This cannabis type can make soil erode. Studies show some farms are better for the soil than others in Greece. We need to grow cannabis in a way that protects the island’s soil.

There’s also worry about air pollution. Growing and making cannabis can make more greenhouse gases and pollutants in the air. The plants can handle high heat well. But making a lot of cannabis could still hurt the air quality.

To lessen the harm, we must grow cannabis in a green way. Using cover crops and no-till farming helps keep the soil and water safe. We also need to cut down on harmful gases and pollutants from cannabis.

Cultivation Characteristic Cretan Cannabis Variety
Maximum Height 3-4 meters
Flowering Period 11-12 weeks
Yield 500-600 dried flowers per plant
THC Level 14-18%
Adaptability to Environmental Conditions Highly resilient, thriving in harsh conditions with minimal watering

cannabis cultivation

The cannabis industry in Crete and Greece needs to think about the environment. By being green, it can lessen its harm on water, soil, and air. This way, the island can stay healthy for the future.


This guide has looked at the complex world of weed in Crete, Greece. It covered the legal status of both recreational and medicinal weed. It also talked about how tourists can get it.

We looked at the history and politics of weed in Greece. We also talked about the economic and environmental effects of the weed industry. This article is a great help for anyone wanting to know about weed in Crete and Greece.

Weed in Crete and Greece is changing a lot. It’s going from being decriminalized to having medical and industrial uses. If you want to visit, make sure you know the laws and respect them. This way, you can enjoy the area while being careful with weed.


What is the legal status of recreational weed in Crete, Greece?

In Greece, using marijuana for fun is still illegal. But, having a little can get you up to five months in jail. If you don’t get caught again for five years, it won’t show up on your record.

What are the penalties for selling or distributing weed in Crete, Greece?

Selling or sharing marijuana is a big no-no in Greece. You could get up to eight years in jail. Doctors and teachers might even face life in prison. There are also big fines, from €50,000 to €500,000.

Is CBD legal in Greece?

Yes, CBD is legal in Greece since 2017 for medical use. You can buy or sell it if it comes from EU-approved plants. But, it must have less than 0.2% THC. Always buy from trusted sources.

Can I send cannabis seeds to Greece?

Sending cannabis seeds to Greece is okay, but you can’t grow them. It’s illegal to grow marijuana. Greece has a good climate for it, but growing it is still banned.

What is the legal status of medical cannabis in Greece?

Greece made medical cannabis legal in 2017. It’s now a Class B drug. You can get it with a doctor’s note from a pharmacist. But, it must come from outside Greece for now.In April 2022, the government said they will make medical cannabis in Greece soon.

What is the economic impact of the cannabis industry in Greece?

The cannabis industry is growing fast in Europe. Experts think it could be worth over €50 billion a year soon. Greece sees it as a chance to make more money and create jobs.

Is industrial hemp legal in Greece?

Yes, growing industrial hemp is legal since March 2018. It’s used in many products like building materials and clothes. All plants must have less than 0.2% THC.

What is the historical and political context of cannabis in Greece?

Greece has known about cannabis for thousands of years. It’s been part of Greek life and culture. The laws around it have changed a lot over time, influenced by politics and society.

How accessible is weed for tourists in Crete, Greece?

Crete has a lot of weed, but it’s illegal. Tourists might find it easy to get, but be careful. There are risks like getting caught and hurting the local community.

What are the environmental impacts of cannabis cultivation in Crete and Greece?

Growing cannabis can harm the environment. It uses a lot of water and can damage soil and air. We’ll look at how it affects Crete and Greece. We’ll also talk about ways to make it better for the planet.

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