weed in Seychelles

Weed in Seychelles: What You Need to Know

Seychelles is a beautiful island nation in the Indian Ocean. It has a complex relationship with cannabis. Weed is illegal, but many people use it. This article will talk about the laws, changes, and the future of weed in Seychelles.

It will also cover how people use it, the rules for using it, and the chance for a weed industry and tourism.

Key Takeaways weed in Seychelles

  • Seychelles has strict laws against using and having weed, but many people still use it.
  • People want to make weed legal for health and fun reasons. They say it could be good and help change people’s views.
  • The country is slowly making rules for using CBD products for health, but getting medical weed is hard.
  • Seychelles could start a weed industry and tourism, but it needs big changes in laws and how people see it.
  • Teaching people about weed and its good sides is key to changing laws and reducing stigma.

Cannabis Laws in Seychelles

In Seychelles, cannabis and its by-products are illegal. They are seen as Class B drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act, 2016. This law covers many cannabis-related crimes like having, bringing in, sending out, growing, and moving the drug. If someone has over 25 grams of cannabis, they are seen as trying to sell it. Police can stop and search people without a warrant.

Current Status

Cannabis is still banned in Seychelles. The Misuse of Drugs Act makes the country’s anti-drug laws stronger. It helps fight against drug trafficking and use. About a quarter of the people in Seychelles use THC, the main part of cannabis that makes you feel high.

In 2019, products with little or no THC were allowed for medical use in Seychelles. In 2020, the National Assembly said yes to using cannabidiol-based products for health reasons.


The ban on cannabis in Seychelles started with the 1882 laws of Mauritius. The Misuse of Drugs Act, 2016, made the ban even stronger. But, there are many who want to make cannabis legal in Seychelles. The Seychelles Kanabis Association is one group supporting this change.

Cannabis-related Statistics in Seychelles Value
Estimated THC users in the population Over 25%
Petition signers for cannabis legalization 5-10% of the population
Heroin users (2018) 5,000 – 6,000 (nearly 10% of working population)
Cannabis legalization petition signatures (2019) Over 10,000 in a few weeks
Estimated THC users (2017) Approximately 25,000 (over 25% of population)

Even with tough laws, many want to make cannabis legal in Seychelles. Groups like the Seychelles Kanabis Association are pushing for change. The history of cannabis laws in Seychelles shows how the issue is complex and always changing.

Proposed Amendments for Medical Marijuana

The Seychelles government wants to make medical marijuana legal. They did this in February 2020 with new rules. These rules make CBD-based products okay for health reasons. They also set rules for getting, using, and keeping these products.

But, they haven’t said which health issues CBD products can help with. So, many people can’t get them. This push for medical marijuana started after a court case in 2019. A patient asked the court to let them use drugs for health reasons.

Now, the rules say people can use cannabidiol-based products if nothing else works. But, they don’t say which health issues qualify for this.

The Seychelles Kanabis Association wants cannabis for adults only. They say it can help with health and should be safe for adults. But, the Department of Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (DSAPTR) worries about addiction and mental health problems with marijuana, especially in teens.

“There is strong public opinion and credible scientific evidence supporting the reform of the prohibitionist legal regime related to cannabis.”

The government is trying to weigh the good and bad of medical marijuana. They might change the Misuse of Drugs Act (MODA) to help with this issue.

Legalization Efforts

In recent years, more people have talked about recreational marijuana Seychelles. Many want it to be legal. Ralph Volcere, an activist and politician, started a campaign called “Legalizing Cannabis in Seychelles” in 2017. He believes legalizing cannabis legalization Seychelles could help fight heroin abuse in the country.

Recreational Use

Volcere got over 10,000 people to sign a petition. This showed a lot of support for Legalizing Cannabis in Seychelles. But, the government is still not sure about it. They worry about the risks to mental health and fear it could lead to using harder drugs.

Even though Seychelles hasn’t made it legal yet, other countries have. Countries like Canada, Georgia, Germany, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, and Uruguay have legalized it. Some places in the United States and Australia also allow it. In Canada, Thailand, and Uruguay, you can even buy it legally.

The debate on recreational marijuana Seychelles is ongoing. It’s up to the government to decide. Activists like Volcere and the trend of cannabis legalization Seychelles might change things. Maybe one day, Legalizing Cannabis in Seychelles will happen.

weed in Seychelles

Even though weed in Seychelles is illegal, it’s still popular. Many people use it, and the law isn’t always strict. This has made cannabis use Seychelles common and accepted, even though it’s illegal.

Over 25,000 people in Seychelles use cannabis. This is more than a quarter of the population. A big group of people signed a petition to make cannabis in Seychelles legal. This shows many people support it.

Some people want to make cannabis legalization a reality in Seychelles. They say the old laws are wrong and hurt people’s health and freedom. They want to teach people the truth about weed to clear up wrong ideas.

Even after new rules in 2020, getting marijuana for health is hard in Seychelles. Mr. Esparon thinks changing how people see cannabis is key. He wants to show the truth about it and its benefits.

The fact that many people in Seychelles use weed shows a complex view of cannabis use Seychelles. The debate on making it legal is ongoing. It will be interesting to see how the government and people will handle this issue.

weed in Seychelles

“Cannabis consumption is considered fairly commonplace among the population in Seychelles.”

Usage and Prevalence

In Seychelles, many people use cannabis, which is a big worry. In 2017, about 25,000 people, more than a quarter of the population, used THC. THC is the main part of cannabis that makes you feel different.

Young people in Seychelles use cannabis a lot, as shown by the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS). This survey found a lot of young people use cannabis. It shows the problem is big in many groups.

Cannabis Use Among Seychelles Youth

The GSHS found some scary numbers about cannabis use in Seychelles. It says 5% to 28% of school kids use cannabis. A study in nine African countries found 4.1% of teens used cannabis now, and 5.1% used amphetamines at some point.

“In Seychelles, prevalence of cannabis use is 17% among boys and 8% among girls.”

More boys than girls use cannabis in Seychelles. We need to make plans that help both boys and girls. We should look at what causes them to use drugs and make programs that help everyone equally.

Cannabis Penalties and Enforcement

In Seychelles, the Misuse of Drugs Act, 2016 sets strict rules for cannabis use. Having up to 25 grams can get you up to 10 years in jail. Growing it can get you up to 30 years. And if you’re caught with more than 250 grams, you could get life.

Police can stop and search people without a warrant if they think they have cannabis. But, it seems they don’t really enforce these laws much. They usually focus on bigger crimes.

Offense Penalty
Possession of up to 25 grams Up to 10 years in prison
Cultivation Maximum sentence of 30 years
Trafficking more than 250 grams Life imprisonment

The cannabis penalties Seychelles look tough, but the law enforcement Seychelles is actually pretty lenient. They don’t always follow the drug laws Seychelles strictly.

“The focus often shifts to more serious crimes, with the cannabis penalties Seychelles sometimes being overlooked or not prioritized by the authorities.”

cannabis penalties seychelles

Growing Cannabis in Seychelles

Even though cannabis is illegal in Seychelles, some people still grow it. The Misuse of Drugs Act, 2016, says it’s illegal to grow cannabis. Those caught can face up to 30 years in prison.

It’s hard to know how much illegal cannabis cultivation Seychelles there is. This is because the law isn’t always enforced. The government tightly controls cannabis trade and possession. So, growing cannabis Seychelles is risky and can lead to serious legal trouble.

Offense Penalty
Cultivation of cannabis plants Up to 30 years in prison

The illegal cannabis Seychelles market still exists, but the government is trying to stop it. Visitors should remember that Seychelles has strict drug laws. They should not grow or use marijuana.

“Cannabis prohibition, which dates back to 1937, is described as stemming from politically-driven agendas rather than scientific evidence.”

Seychelles is thinking about changing its drug laws. They are talking about making cannabis legal for health and fun use. But, any changes would need new laws and approval from the government.

Marijuana Tourism and Industry

Seychelles is a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean. It’s thinking about legal cannabis. Some people want to make it legal for fun. But, the government is careful because of health and safety worries.

The cannabis industry and tourism in Seychelles are being talked about. But, they’re not moving fast. They need laws for making, selling, and using cannabis. Without these laws, the industry might not grow.

Some people in Seychelles like the idea of legal pot. A survey said 95% think alcohol is worse than pot. A former Tourism Minister even wanted to make pot legal, seeing its money-making potential.

Even though the government is slow, pot is already popular in Seychelles. The author shared pot with many leaders, showing many use it. They think over 70% would vote for legal pot in a vote.

The talks about cannabis tourism Seychelles and marijuana industry Seychelles are ongoing. The future of legal cannabis Seychelles is still up in the air. But, more people using pot and its possible economic gains might change the government’s mind.


Seychelles has a complex relationship with weed in Seychelles. Despite strict laws, many people use it. They want to make marijuana regulations Seychelles for health reasons, but it’s hard to say when.

The country is trying to balance health and freedom. This makes talking about cannabis laws Seychelles hard. Seychelles is also a place where illegal things happen, making it even harder.

The government, leaders, and people must figure this out. They need to think about the good and bad of cannabis laws Seychelles and marijuana regulations Seychelles. They want to find a way that helps everyone in Seychelles.


What is the legal status of cannabis in Seychelles?

In Seychelles, cannabis and its products are illegal. They are seen as Class B drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act, 2016. Growing, having, and selling cannabis is not allowed.

Has Seychelles made any efforts to legalize medical marijuana?

Yes, in February 2020, Seychelles made CBD-based products legal for medical use. But, they haven’t said which medical conditions qualify. So, CBD products are still hard to get.

Have there been any efforts to legalize recreational cannabis in Seychelles?

Yes, in 2017, a local activist named Ralph Volcere started a push to legalize pot for fun. He got over 10,000 people to sign a petition. But, the government is still not sure about it. They worry about mental health and say pot can lead to worse drugs.

How widespread is the use of cannabis in Seychelles?

Even though it’s illegal, many people in Seychelles use cannabis. In 2017, about 25,000 people used THC, a key part of pot. This was over a quarter of the country’s people.

What are the penalties for cannabis-related offenses in Seychelles?

The laws in Seychelles are tough for pot offenses. Having up to 25 grams can get you up to 10 years in jail. Growing it can get you 30 years. And trafficking more than 250 grams can mean life in prison.

Is it legal to grow cannabis in Seychelles?

No, growing cannabis is illegal in Seychelles. The law says it’s not allowed and can get you up to 30 years in jail.

Is there potential for a legal cannabis industry or marijuana tourism in Seychelles?

There’s talk about a legal pot industry and tourism in Seychelles. But, it’s slow going. Some want to make pot legal for fun, but the government is careful. They worry about health and safety.

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