weed in Costa Rica

Is Weed Legal in Costa Rica? Your Guide

The legal status of weed in Costa Rica is complex and changing. You can use weed for yourself, but making or selling it is still illegal. In 2015, a lawyer named Mario Cerdas Salazar was arrested for growing weed at his home.

He was first found not guilty but later got 8 years in prison in 2020. He was caught giving oils, tinctures, and edibles to others.

Costa Rica is moving towards legalizing weed for health and medicine. In 2021, the president signed a bill to make it legal for these uses. But, you can’t use weed for fun, and tourists should be careful.

Key Takeaways

  • Personal use of weed is okay in Costa Rica, but making or selling it is not.
  • The case of Mario Cerdas Salazar in 2015 showed how tricky the laws are, leading to his arrest for selling weed products.
  • Costa Rica is moving to make weed legal for health and medicine, with a 2021 bill.
  • But, you can’t use weed for fun in Costa Rica, and tourists should be careful.
  • Weed laws in Costa Rica are a mix of strict rules and steps towards legal use, with personal use not leading to arrest but selling it still illegal.

Understanding Cannabis Laws in Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s cannabis laws have changed a lot in recent years. You can use cannabis for yourself without getting in trouble. But, selling a lot of it can get you in big trouble.

In March 2022, Costa Rica made a big move by allowing medical cannabis. This was a big step for health rights in the country. It also made it legal to make, bring in, send out, and sell cannabis products for health reasons.

The Case of Mario Cerdas Salazar

In 2015, a big case happened with lawyer Mario Cerdas Salazar. He was arrested for saying people should be allowed to use and grow cannabis for health reasons. The court first said he was right, but then the government appealed and he got 8 years in jail in 2020.

Decriminalization Efforts and Medical Marijuana Legalization

The laws about cannabis in Costa Rica are a bit unclear. This has led to different views on using it, even in private. The country has made some steps to make it easier to use cannabis for health reasons. But, it’s still not okay to use it just for fun.

In 2019, a plan was made to make medical cannabis and cannabis oils legal in Costa Rica. This shows people are interested in the plant’s benefits. By August 2021, only one company, ROCO Plants SA, was allowed to study cannabis.

The medical cannabis bill passed in March 2022 was a big deal. It lets people make, bring in, send out, and sell cannabis products for health reasons. This opens up new chances for the industry.

The cannabis market is expected to be worth $35 billion a year by 2025. Costa Rica could make a lot of money from it. With medical cannabis legal and maybe even recreational use coming, the country could grow its economy. It could also help its people’s health and rights.

Recreational Cannabis Legalization on the Horizon

In Costa Rica, using cannabis for health is legal. But, using it for fun is still a no-go. Yet, things might change soon. In October 2022, President Rodrigo Chaves said he plans to make a bill to let people use marijuana for fun.

President Rodrigo Chaves’ Proposed Legislation

President Chaves wants to make cannabis legalization in Costa Rica official. This could create new economic opportunities and make Costa Rica a spot for cannabis tourism. His idea has sparked a lot of talk in the government and with the people.

Economic Opportunities and Tourism Potential

Legalizing fun cannabis could really help Costa Rica’s economy. It could start new businesses, create jobs, and bring in more money for the government. Plus, the idea of cannabis tourism in Costa Rica is getting people excited. They see it as a chance for the country to attract recreational cannabis fans.

As the talk on recreational cannabis legalization in Costa Rica goes on, we’ll keep an eye on President Chaves’ bill. We’ll see how it affects the country’s economy and society.

recreational cannabis legalization Costa Rica

“The legalization of recreational cannabis could be a game-changer for Costa Rica, unlocking new economic opportunities and positioning the country as a premier cannabis tourism destination.”

weed in Costa Rica: Current Legal Status

As of October 2022, weed in Costa Rica is still illegal for fun use. But, having a little weed is okay. Growing, selling, or making money from it is still a big no-no.

Last year, Costa Rica made a big step by legalizing weed for health and medicine. Now, people can use it for health reasons, but only the right way. But, they’re still working on making sure people using it for health have job protection.

Having a little weed, up to one to eight grams, is usually okay. Police don’t really bother with small amounts. They just take it and let you go.

Medical weed is legal, but getting it is hard. You can only get it through pharmacies. Growing your own weed is also a big no-go. Companies that grow weed have to follow strict rules.

President Rodrigo Chaves wants to make all weed use legal and taxed in Costa Rica. He has a bill to make sure weed is grown, used, and sold the right way. But, some groups don’t want it to be legal. They include doctors, police, and some religious groups.

Even though weed is still illegal, police are pretty chill with small-time dealers and users. They think making weed legal could bring in more money for the government. Some think weed might be fully legal by the end of the decade because it’s becoming more popular.

weed in Costa Rica

Cannabis Cultivation and Production in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, using cannabis for fun is still illegal. But, the country is making it easier to grow and make medical marijuana. In 2021, a big sugar producer in Costa Rica, Azucarera El Viejo, teamed up with a cannabis company called Mérida Capital Holdings. They plan to make a top-notch medical cannabis place in Guanacaste.

Azucarera El Viejo’s Medical Cannabis Project

Azucarera El Viejo wants to use Costa Rica’s great weather and skilled workers to make top-quality medical cannabis. They’re building a place that follows strict rules for making things safely and well.

This project will help the local area by creating jobs and making money. It will also help Costa Rica grow its medical cannabis business. The plan is to sell medical cannabis to other countries.

Costa Rica is looking into the cannabis industry, and Azucarera El Viejo’s project is a big deal. It shows Costa Rica’s effort to grow the cannabis cultivation Costa Rica and medical cannabis production Costa Rica areas.

“The medical cannabis project at Azucarera El Viejo is a big step for cannabis cultivation Costa Rica. We’re thrilled to work with Mérida Capital Holdings. This will help the local area and make Costa Rica a top maker of medical cannabis.”

Spokesperson, Azucarera El Viejo

Navigating Public Spaces and Tourist Destinations

Exploring Costa Rica’s culture and beauty means knowing the laws about weed in Costa Rica. The country has made steps towards making weed legal, but using it in public is tricky. It’s important to be careful and follow the rules, especially in places tourists visit.

In Costa Rica, you can have a little weed for yourself, but using it in public can lead to fines. Always be careful and respect the laws, especially in places where lots of people go. Look for cannabis-friendly events and places to enjoy weed safely and right.

  • Don’t use weed in crowded places or where kids are around. It can get you in trouble and draw the wrong kind of attention.
  • Find places to smoke weed that are quiet and cannabis-friendly. This could be special smoking spots or private clubs.
  • Watch how people around you feel about weed. Some places are more okay with it than others.

Costa Rica’s weed laws can change, so always check the latest rules to stay safe and have fun. Being careful and respectful in public lets you enjoy Costa Rica’s weed culture fully.

“The key to enjoying cannabis in Costa Rica is to be discreet, respectful, and mindful of the changing legal landscape. With a little caution, you can experience the country’s vibrant weed culture while staying on the right side of the law.”

Penalties and Consequences for Cannabis Possession

Costa Rica has taken a new path with cannabis. In 2018, the Supreme Court made it okay to have small amounts for personal use. But, making and selling a lot of cannabis is still a big no-no.

You can have up to 3 grams of cannabis without getting in trouble. Costa Rica sees drug use as a health issue, not a crime. They focus on helping people, not locking them up.

Personal Use vs. Commercial Distribution

Having cannabis for yourself is okay in Costa Rica, but making and selling it is not. If you’re caught selling cannabis, you could get big fines or even go to jail.

But, if you just use it for yourself, you won’t get in trouble. Costa Rica lets people choose what they want to do with their own bodies. This has gotten good feedback from people who care about rights and health.

Even though having a little cannabis is okay, figuring out how to handle the drug industry is tough. There’s a bill going through the National Assembly to make it legal to grow hemp and cannabis for medicine. This could lead to more changes later.

Offense Penalty
Personal Possession (up to 3 grams) No criminal charges
Commercial Distribution Fines and imprisonment

Costa Rica is still figuring out how to handle cannabis laws. They need to find a good balance between personal freedom, health, and the chance to make money from a legal cannabis industry.


The legal status of weed in Costa Rica is complex and changing. The country has moved towards decriminalizing and legalizing medical marijuana. But, using weed for fun is still not allowed. It’s important for visitors and locals to know and follow the laws to avoid trouble.

Legalizing medical cannabis and hemp has opened new doors for the industry. But, we’re still waiting to see how it affects crime and what people think. With new laws being talked about, we might see weed for fun being legal in the future.

It’s key to stay updated, be careful, and respect the laws about weed in Costa Rica. Knowing the rules helps you have a safe and fun time in this lovely country.


What is the current legal status of weed in Costa Rica?

Weed in Costa Rica has a complex legal status. You can use it personally, but growing and selling it is illegal.

What happened in the case of lawyer Mario Cerdas Salazar?

In 2015, Cerdas was caught growing weed at his home. He was first found not guilty, but later guilty in 2020. He got 8 years in prison for selling weed products.

Has Costa Rica taken steps towards medical marijuana legalization and decriminalization?

Yes, Costa Rica is moving towards legalizing medical marijuana. In 2021, President Carlos Alvarado signed a bill for its use in health and medicine.

What are the plans for recreational cannabis legalization in Costa Rica?

President Rodrigo Chaves plans to introduce a bill for legalizing weed for fun use in October 2022.

What is the current status of cannabis cultivation and production in Costa Rica?

In 2021, a company called Azucarera El Viejo teamed up with Mérida Capital Holdings. They plan to make a big facility for making medical weed.

What should tourists and residents know about using weed in public spaces and tourist destinations in Costa Rica?

Using weed is okay, but growing, selling, or giving it away is illegal. Be careful with weed in Costa Rica.

What are the penalties for cannabis possession in Costa Rica?

You can have up to 3 grams of weed for yourself without getting in trouble. But selling or growing it can lead to big problems.

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