weed in Slovenia

Exploring Weed in Slovenia: What You Need to Know

If you’re curious about weed in Slovenia, you’re in the right spot. We’ll cover the laws, rules, and changing culture around cannabis here. You’ll get the info you need to understand this topic well.

In Slovenia, using medical marijuana is legal but under tight rules. But, using cannabis for fun is still a no-go. It’s important to know the laws and what people think about weed in Slovenia. This guide will help you check out weed in Slovenia the right way.

Key Takeaways

  • Medical marijuana use is legal in Slovenia, but strict regulations apply.
  • Handling small amounts of cannabis for personal use is considered a misdemeanor, punishable by law.
  • Cultivating marijuana, even in small quantities for personal use, remains illegal in Slovenia.
  • Penalties for marijuana possession and consumption vary based on the quantity held, with small amounts potentially resulting in fines or community service, and larger quantities leading to imprisonment and criminal records.
  • The city of Ljubljana is the primary center for cannabis culture in Slovenia, while rural areas have a sparse presence.

Understanding Slovenia’s Marijuana Laws

Slovenia has strict rules about cannabis, but they’ve made some changes. They now allow medical cannabis, but with strict rules. It’s important to know these rules if you’re interested in cannabis in Slovenia.

The Legal Status of Marijuana in Slovenia

In Slovenia, cannabis is seen as a dangerous drug. This means having, growing, or sharing it is illegal. You could get fined, do community service, or even go to jail.

Penalties for Weed Possession and Consumption

Having a little cannabis for yourself can get you a fine of €36 to €179. You might get out of the fine by going to treatment. But having more or doing it again can lead to harsher punishments, like jail.

Recent Changes in Marijuana Law

Slovenia still says no to recreational cannabis, but they’ve made some changes. In 2013, they made some cannabinoids legal for medical use. You need a doctor’s note to get them. But, you can’t grow or use it for fun.

In 2014, they made having a little cannabis okay, but it’s still a crime. This is like what Portugal does, focusing on helping people instead of punishing them.

Even with these changes, Slovenia’s rules are still pretty tough. The government is thinking about changing them more, but fun cannabis use is still a no-go.

Key Marijuana Statistics in Slovenia Data
Lifetime prevalence of cannabis use among individuals aged 15-64 20.7% (below the EU average of 27.2%)
Past year cannabis use among young adults aged 15-34 12.3% (below the EU average of 15%)
Estimated amount of cannabis consumed in Slovenia in 2015 Approximately 3 tons
Increase in per capita cannabis consumption from 2012 to 2018 1.4g to 1.8g per year

Slovenia is still figuring out its cannabis laws. It’s important to know the rules for both locals and visitors. This summary gives you a quick look at what’s happening with cannabis laws in Slovenia.

Weed in Slovenia: Where to Find and Social Norms

In Slovenia, finding weed is tricky. It’s illegal, but people in Ljubljana know how to get it. They follow strict rules and keep it quiet.

Having weed in Slovenia is illegal, but not everyone gets in trouble. Small amounts might cost you a few hundred euros or up to €750. But, getting caught with it can lead to bigger problems.

To find weed, connect with locals in Ljubljana. They know the best places. You might also try nearby countries like Croatia or Austria, where weed is easier to get.

Be careful when looking for weed in Slovenia. Don’t show it off or use it in public. This keeps you and others safe from the law.

“Exploring Slovenia’s cannabis landscape requires a delicate balance of curiosity and caution. While the country has a relatively relaxed attitude, the possession and consumption of weed remain illegal, and discretion is paramount.”

So, you can find weed in Slovenia, but it’s tricky. Know the rules, make friends with locals, and be careful. This way, you can enjoy cannabis tourism safely.

cannabis culture Slovenia

Legislation and Governing Bodies

Slovenia has strict laws about cannabis. These rules come from the Slovenian Penal Code and the Law on Psychoactive Substances. They say cannabis is illegal. But, there is a special program for medical marijuana.

The government watches over cannabis closely. This includes the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Agriculture. They make sure everything is done right.

Applicable Statutes and Regulations

In Slovenia, cannabis laws are careful. You can buy and use medical marijuana, but growing it is not allowed. But, a vote might change this soon. It could let adults grow and have cannabis at home.

Governing Bodies and Licensing

Getting a license for cannabis in Slovenia is hard. It shows the government is very careful with this topic. Businesses must follow many rules from different ministries. This makes sure the cannabis industry is watched closely.

Governing Body Responsibilities
Ministry of Internal Affairs Oversight of cannabis cultivation, processing, and trade licenses
Ministry of Health Regulation of medical cannabis use and distribution
Ministry of Agriculture Regulation of industrial hemp and cannabis-derived products

Slovenia might change its cannabis laws soon. This will be important for the cannabis industry in the country.

Permitted Cannabis Activities and Products

Slovenia has strict rules on cannabis. It’s moving slowly towards more freedom, but it’s still strict. Let’s look at what you can and can’t do with cannabis in Slovenia.

Allowed Cannabis Functions

In Slovenia, you can grow industrial hemp with less than 0.2% THC. Farmers get licenses to grow it for things like food and cosmetics. But, you can’t use or sell it for fun.

For medical cannabis, Slovenia has some rules. Doctors can prescribe Sativex and Marinol. These are special cannabis products for sick people.

Allowed Sales and Use

You can’t buy or use cannabis for fun in Slovenia. This includes edibles and other products. If you have it, you could get in trouble.

But, things might change soon. A vote on June 9th, 2023, could make it easier to get medical cannabis and grow some cannabis for yourself. This could open up more freedom for cannabis use.

Even though Slovenia is careful with cannabis, Europe is changing fast. Countries like Germany have made cannabis legal for adults. This might make Slovenia think about changing its rules too.

legal cannabis activities Slovenia

“In the past decade, over 300 children and adolescents with resistant epilepsies/encephalopathies have been successfully treated with cannabidiol and medicinal cannabis in Slovenia.” – Dr. David Neubauer, University of Ljubljana


Slovenia has a complex view on weed and cannabis. It has legalized medical cannabis and made personal-use possession legal. But, the rules are still strict for recreational use and the cannabis industry.

The country is known for making clean, high-quality cannabis. It focuses on growing cannabis in a sustainable way. Slovenia is becoming a big name in the global cannabis market.

As the government looks at its rules, Slovenia’s weed scene will likely change. If you’re curious about Slovenia’s cannabis or want to know its weed laws, keep up with the news. By checking out the cannabis analysis, you can learn about Slovenia’s weed laws and decide how you want to be involved.


What is the legal status of marijuana in Slovenia?

In Slovenia, using drugs like marijuana is against the law. But, they have made medical marijuana legal. This is under strict rules. Still, you can’t use it just for fun.

What are the penalties for weed possession and consumption in Slovenia?

If you have a little weed, you might get a fine or have to do community work. But, having a lot or getting caught again can mean jail. They’re thinking about changing the laws, but using it for fun is still illegal.

Where can I find weed in Slovenia?

It’s hard to find weed in Slovenia because it’s not legal. You might find it in Ljubljana, but you have to be careful. Remember, even for fun, it’s still against the law.

What are the governing bodies and regulations for cannabis in Slovenia?

The laws about weed in Slovenia come from the Slovenian Penal Code and the Law on Psychoactive Substances. These laws say weed is illegal. To grow, make, or sell weed, you need special permits from different ministries.

What cannabis-related activities and products are permitted in Slovenia?

You can grow hemp with low THC for things like food and cosmetics, but you need a permit. Doctors can prescribe medical weed, and it’s sold in pharmacies. But, you can’t buy or use weed for fun, or use products with it.

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