weed in Bermuda

Weed in Bermuda: What You Need to Know

Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean. It has a special cannabis culture. This island is famous for its beautiful beaches and warm weather. But, it also has strict laws about marijuana.

In this article, we’ll look at weed in Bermuda. We’ll talk about the laws, high prices, and why they’re so expensive. We’ll also cover the push for legalization, medical cannabis, and what the future might hold.

Key Takeaways

  • Bermuda has a distinct cannabis culture and unique laws surrounding the use and possession of marijuana.
  • The legal status of cannabis in Bermuda is complex, with ongoing debates and efforts towards legalization.
  • Weed prices in Bermuda are exorbitantly high due to importation challenges, limited local production, and other factors.
  • Potential legalization of cannabis in Bermuda could have significant economic and social impacts, including curbing gang-related violence.
  • Medical cannabis is available in Bermuda, but the industry remains highly regulated and limited.

Introduction to Weed in Bermuda

Bermuda has a special weed culture. People there love to smoke joints and spliffs. This has been a big part of their life for a long time.

Bermuda’s Unique Cannabis Culture

In Bermuda, rolling and smoking joints and spliffs is a big deal. It’s a tradition that has been around for many years. This makes Bermuda’s weed scene stand out.

Legal Status of Cannabis in Bermuda

The laws about weed in Bermuda have changed a lot. In 2016, the Supreme Court said it was okay to use weed for health reasons. But, there was a small limit on how much you could get at first.

Later, in 2017, they made a law that didn’t punish people for having a little weed. But, making weed legal for fun has been hard. In 2022, a bill to make it legal got turned down.

Now, the rules about weed in Bermuda are still changing. We might see more changes in the future.

Exorbitant Prices of Weed in Bermuda

In Bermuda, weed is very expensive. An eighth of good quality cannabis can cost up to $150. This makes it one of the most expensive places to buy marijuana. The high prices come from the challenges and risks of bringing cannabis to the island.

The cost of an eighth of good weed in Bermuda is much higher than usual. It’s about $30 in other places. In the UAE, it’s around $106 per eighth. But in Bermuda, it’s a whopping $158.

Bermuda’s high cost of living and its need to import most goods add to the high prices of cannabis. Even with about 20% of the weed being grown locally, an eighth still costs $150. This shows how the market sets the prices.

Despite the high prices, Bermudians have a strong stoner culture. They love making joints and spliffs. A 2020 survey showed most people prefer these over other ways to use weed. Dabs have also become popular, helping people save money by making their weed last longer.

The high prices of weed in Bermuda have been a big issue. There have been efforts to legalize it with the Cannabis Licensing Bill. Legalizing it could help the economy, encourage new businesses, attract tourists, and reduce gang violence.

Factors Contributing to High Weed Prices

Weed prices in Bermuda are high for a few reasons. These include the trouble of bringing weed to the island and not much weed made locally. Knowing these reasons helps us understand why weed costs so much in Bermuda.

Importation Challenges and Risks

Getting weed to Bermuda is hard. The island is far away and has strict rules about what comes in. People often use risky ways to get weed here, like smuggling it or hiding it on boats.

This makes weed more expensive and risky. It also makes prices go up for people who want to buy it.

Limited Local Production

Not much weed is made in Bermuda. Only about 20% of the weed sold here is grown locally. The rest comes from somewhere else.

The island is small and hard to grow weed on a big scale. This makes it hard to get enough weed and makes prices go up.

Metric 2021 2022
Gross Profit Percentage for Major Cannabis Companies 45% – 55% 43.3% – 55.0%
Average Gross Profit Margin Percentage 45% 45%
Common Cannabis Weights Half gram, gram, eighth (3.5 grams), quarter (7 grams), half ounce (14 grams), ounce (28 grams) Half gram, gram, eighth (3.5 grams), quarter (7 grams), half ounce (14 grams), ounce (28 grams)

Import problems and not much local weed make weed prices high in Bermuda. Knowing these things helps us get why weed is so expensive there.

Comparison with Other Countries

The cannabis market is growing worldwide, but prices in Bermuda are still very high. In the UAE, where having weed can lead to a two-year sentence, prices are lower. An eighth costs about $106 there. But in Bermuda, it can cost up to $158, making it one of the priciest places for weed.

Bermuda’s high prices come from its isolated spot, limited weed production, and strict rules. In contrast, places like Canada, Mexico, and South Africa have made weed legal and cheaper.

Prices in the United Arab Emirates

In the UAE, having weed can get you two years in jail. But weed is cheaper there, costing about $106 for an eighth. This is much less than what you’d pay in Bermuda.

This shows how different the weed market is in Bermuda. Prices are much higher there than in the UAE or other countries.

Misconceptions and Misleading Information

Even though more people know about cannabis now, there are still many misconceptions about weed in Bermuda. Some say the prices and laws on cannabis in Bermuda are wrong, spreading inaccurate information. It’s important to use trusted sources when talking about marijuana in Bermuda.

Some think Butane Hash Oil (BHO) has butane in it. But, good BHO making removes all butane. Bad making methods leave butane behind, not the BHO itself. BHO gives you all the good stuff from the plant.

Another wrong idea is that BHO has harmful chemicals. A Forbes article talked about bad smoking methods, but not BHO. This wrong info confuses people about BHO’s health benefits.

People also wrongly believe BHO is dangerous. But, if made right, BHO is safe. The danger comes from bad, cheap making methods, not good ones.

By correcting misinformation about marijuana in Bermuda, we help people make better choices. We give them the right info on using and controlling this substance in the country.

Weed in Bermuda: The Stoner Culture

In Bermuda, the love for rolling joints is big. People there enjoy making their joints last longer with less weed. They sometimes add tobacco to save weed and make it last.

The art of rolling joints is something Bermudians are proud of. They work hard to get it right. This shows in how they enjoy their weed, making it a special part of their culture.

The Art of the Bermudian Joint

Bermudian joints are smaller than others, which helps with the limited weed. Making perfect joints is a big deal for stoners there. They aim for a good experience that lasts longer.

“Smoking a Bermudian joint is like an art form – it’s all about savoring the moment and making the most of what you’ve got,” said local cannabis enthusiast, Sarah Jones.

Some people in Bermuda add tobacco to their joints. They think it makes the weed last longer and the experience better. This shows how creative and resourceful Bermuda’s stoner culture is.

Bermuda stoner culture

Characteristic Bermudian Joint Joint in Other Regions
Size Smaller Larger
Cannabis Content Less More
Tobacco Inclusion Common Less Common
Desired Effect Longer-lasting More immediate

Efforts Towards Legalization in Bermuda

Bermuda has been working hard to make cannabis legal and regulated. In 2019, they proposed a bill for medicinal cannabis. This bill aimed to create a new authority to handle cannabis production and use.

Proposed Cannabis Licensing Bill

In 2020, they made changes to the bill and asked for public feedback. But, the bill didn’t pass in 2021. The governor also didn’t agree with it in 2022, worried about drug treaties.

Still, Bermuda keeps pushing for legal cannabis. In 2022, they passed the Cannabis Licensing Act by a big vote. Now, it’s up to the Senate to decide next steps.

Home Affairs Minister Walter Roban says most people in Bermuda want new cannabis laws. He believes the new laws will help fix past wrongs and open up the cannabis industry.

“Failure to accept the proposed changes could negatively impact the relationship between Britain and Bermuda,” warned Premier David Burt.

But, not everyone likes the new bill. Shadow Legal Affairs Minister Scott Pearman doubts the bill’s true reasons. He thinks big companies are behind it.

Bermuda’s push for legal cannabis shows they’re serious about it. They want to give their people access to a regulated cannabis market.

Impact of Legalization on Bermuda

Legalizing cannabis in Bermuda could change the island for the better. It could open new economic doors and help with social issues.

Economic Benefits

Legalizing cannabis could boost the local economy. It would help entrepreneurs and create a new market. Plus, it could make tourism grow, which is key for Bermuda.

The government could make more money from taxes. This money could help with important public services and projects.

Curbing Gang-Related Violence

Legalizing cannabis might also reduce gang violence. Gangs now control the illegal cannabis trade. Under legal rules, gangs would lose power.

This could lead to fewer gang crimes and a safer Bermuda. It would make life better for everyone.

The government is working hard on this, with $50,000 set aside. They’ve also gotten 49 applications to clear past cannabis crimes. This shows Bermuda is serious about making a change for the better.

Medical Cannabis in Bermuda

Bermuda has made big steps in using medical marijuana. But, it’s still hard. In 2016, the Supreme Court said yes to medical use of cannabis. This was a big win for patients wanting this treatment.

But, patients could only get 1 gram a year at first. This made many turn to the black market. Later, they could get more, but they had to apply for it themselves. This made things hard for those needing medical cannabis.

The Cannabis (Licensing and Control) Act 2020 is coming. It will help with legal access to medical cannabis in Bermuda. It plans to make getting medical cannabis easier for patients.

Statistic Percentage
Respondents who believe Cannabis misuse should result in compulsory education or treatment 58.6%
Respondents who think Cannabis use should be a non-criminal offense with a fine 55.6%
Respondents who believe Cannabis use should result in no legal consequences 19%
Respondents who want Cannabis use to remain a criminal offense 26.9%
Public more concerned with drunk driving and prefer severe legal penalties 86.1%

New laws are coming to balance things out. They will make sure medical cannabis is safe and controlled in Bermuda. They will look at how to protect young people and make money from it too.

“The Cannabis Advisory Authority will have various functions, including receiving and processing license applications, providing education and training on Cannabis, and prescribing standards for licensees.”

Bermuda is working on making medical cannabis easier to get. These changes could make things better for those who need it.

medical marijuana in Bermuda

Decriminalization of Recreational Cannabis

In 2017, Bermuda made a big move with the Decriminalization of Cannabis Amendment Act. This act made having up to 7 grams of cannabis okay, easing penalties and reducing stigma. But, high prices and limited legal options kept the black market alive. This shows the need for more changes and a full plan for legalizing cannabis.

This decriminalization was a good start, but it didn’t make all cannabis use legal. Police can still take any cannabis found on people. Having more than 7 grams can lead to arrest and court.

Despite the hurdles, Bermuda keeps looking into how legalizing cannabis could help. In June 2020, a new bill was put forward. It would let people 21 and older buy up to 7 grams of cannabis legally. It also talked about creating a Cannabis Advisory Authority (CAA) to manage licenses and the market.

As Bermuda works on its cannabis policies, it’s important for everyone to know the laws. Having even a little cannabis can mean jail and big fines. The future of legalizing cannabis is still up in the air. But, Bermuda’s ongoing talks and plans hint at more changes coming.

Weed in Bermuda: Challenges and Outlook

The journey to make weed legal in Bermuda has hit some big hurdles. The governor didn’t agree with the Cannabis Licensing Bill. This is because of international drug laws and the UK’s view on it. But, Bermuda is still working hard to make weed legal.

Even with big challenges, the future of cannabis in Bermuda is still up in the air. Bermuda has a strong weed culture. And, they keep trying to change the laws to make it legal.

“We’re committed to exploring all available options to deliver on our promise of cannabis legalization. While the path forward is not without its obstacles, we remain steadfast in our pursuit of a regulatory framework that reflects the will of the Bermudian people.

– Premier David Burt, Bermuda

Challenge Impact Potential Solution
Obligations under international drug conventions Limits on the legalization process Diplomatic negotiations and legal strategies
UK government’s stance on cannabis Tensions between Bermuda and the UK Continued dialogue and pursuit of shared understanding
Opposition from the governor Delays in the implementation of the Cannabis Licensing Bill Ongoing discussions and compromise solutions

Bermuda is working hard to make weed legal. Their unique cannabis culture and government efforts show promise. Despite the challenges, the future of weed in Bermuda might still be bright.


The journey into Bermuda’s weed world has been exciting. We’ve seen the island’s special cannabis culture, its laws, and the issues it has. High prices have surprised many people. Now, there are efforts to make weed legal, which could change the island’s economy and society.

Even with big challenges, like the UK stopping the Cannabis Licensing Bill, people in Bermuda want change. They want to make their own decisions about weed. Joining CARICOM shows Bermuda might see new chances for weed.

As weed in Bermuda changes, it’s key to stay updated and be safe. A guide on navigating the weed scene can help. Knowing the laws, the problems, and the culture helps you make smart choices about weed.


What is the legal status of cannabis in Bermuda?

In 2016, Bermuda’s Supreme Court said yes to medical cannabis use. Then, in 2017, a law made having up to 7 grams of cannabis okay. But, the island’s drug laws under international agreements make full legalization hard.

Why are the prices of weed so high in Bermuda?

Weed is very expensive in Bermuda because of big import challenges and risks. The island’s size and geography make growing cannabis hard. This makes weed prices go up.

How does the cost of weed in Bermuda compare to other countries?

Weed in Bermuda is among the priciest in the world. An eighth of good quality cannabis costs about 0. This is way more than the 6 average in the United Arab Emirates, known for strict drug laws.

What is the current status of medical cannabis in Bermuda?

The Supreme Court of Bermuda said yes to medical cannabis use in 2016. But, a limit of just 1 gram per year led to many patients buying from the black market. Now, the limit is higher, and patients can import their own cannabis. A new law in 2020 aims to improve access to medical cannabis.

What efforts have been made towards the legalization of cannabis in Bermuda?

In 2019, Bermuda proposed a Medicinal Cannabis Bill. It would have created an authority to manage cannabis. The bill was revised in 2020 and opened for public feedback. But, it was voted down in 2021 and the governor didn’t sign it in 2022 due to drug convention concerns.

How is the Bermudian stoner culture unique?

In Bermuda, rolling joints and spliffs is a big part of the culture. People take pride in their skills. They use less weed to make it last longer. Some mix tobacco with their weed, either by choice or to save their cannabis.

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