weed in Hurghada, egypt

Weed in Hurghada, Egypt: Your Guide to Marijuana

If you love marijuana and are going to Hurghada, Egypt, you’re in for a special adventure. This guide will show you all about weed in Hurghada. You’ll learn about the local cannabis culture, where to find it, and how to stay safe.

Egypt has a long history with cannabis, going back to 2,000 BCE for medicine. Now, the country has a complex view on marijuana. In Hurghada, you’ll see a unique cannabis scene that shows Egypt’s complex relationship with weed.

Key Takeaways

  • Marijuana is illegal in Egypt, but it’s often okay to have and use it socially.
  • In Hurghada, you can find different types of cannabis like Egyptian hash, Lebanese blonde, and Moroccan black.
  • Good quality marijuana costs about $5 USD for 10 grams in Egypt.
  • Be careful when buying cannabis because tourists can get taken advantage of.
  • Police act differently on marijuana, with some being more easy-going than others.

Understanding the Cannabis Culture in Egypt

Egypt has a deep cannabis culture, going back over 2,000 years. People have used it for medicine. Now, it’s widely used and accepted, especially by the middle class.

Even when authorities crack down, getting cannabis is easy. Most people think it’s okay to use it.

Egypt’s Longstanding History with Cannabis

For almost a thousand years, Egyptians have grown cannabis. At first, it was for ropes and fun. Then, in the 12th century AD, Islamic travelers brought hashish from Syria.

Since then, cannabis has been a big part of Egypt’s culture. The Sinai Peninsula and Upper Egypt are where most of it grows.

Tolerance and Social Acceptance

People in Egypt have always had mixed feelings about marijuana. But, it’s still pretty popular, especially with the middle class. Most people use it privately.

Even when the government tries to stop it, the cannabis culture in Egypt stays strong. Most users like to smoke it with water-pipes.

Statistic Finding
Large-scale smuggling of cannabis in Egypt Can result in the death penalty
Cannabis cultivation in Egypt Documented for almost a thousand years
Hashish introduction to Egypt By Islamic travelers from Syria during the 12th century AD
Law enforcement against cannabis in Egypt Dates back to the 14th century, with users facing severe punishment like having their teeth pulled

“Smoking is the most popular method of cannabis consumption in Egypt, with the majority using the water-pipe.”

weed in Hurghada, egypt: Availability and Quality

Getting weed in Hurghada, Egypt is easy. You can find it from local dealers. It’s also pretty cheap, about $5 for 10 grams of good quality hashish. But, be careful when buying because the quality can change and some might have bad stuff added.

In Hurghada, the most common cannabis is hashish. You can find Egyptian hash, Lebanese Blonde, Skunk, and Haze strains too. These are liked more because they have less THC than weed in Europe. This is because they haven’t been mixed as much to get more THC.

Cannabis Product Price Range (Egyptian Pounds) Quality Characteristics
Egyptian Hash 50 – 100 Greasy lumps, high potency
Lebanese Blonde 100 – 150 Smooth, flavorful
Skunk 75 – 125 Pungent aroma, moderate potency
Amnesia Haze 125 – 200 Cerebral, uplifting effects

The cannabis quality Hurghada might not always be as good as in places like Lebanon. The THC content is usually lower. But, it’s still a top spot for weed in Hurghada, Egypt, because it’s easy to get.

Hurghada cannabis availability

“Cannabis in Egypt has been around since as early as 2,000 BCE for medicinal purposes.”

The Sinai Peninsula: Egypt’s Cannabis Heartland

The Sinai Peninsula is a rugged area in Egypt. It’s known for Sinai Peninsula cannabis cultivation. For years, Bedouins have grown cannabis and opium poppies here.

Police and the military try to stop them, but the Bedouins keep making Sinai hashish. Most of it stays in the area. But a lot also goes to the marijuana market in Hurghada.

Bedouin Cultivation and Hashish Production

The area is hard to control because of its lawlessness and ISIS. This makes it tough for authorities to stop the drug trade. So, the Bedouins keep making hashish. It’s a big money-maker for them.

Crop Cultivation Area Estimated Annual Production
Cannabis Sinai Peninsula 500 metric tons
Opium Poppy Sinai Peninsula 50 metric tons

The Sinai Peninsula is known as Egypt’s cannabis heartland. Its remote and lawless spots are perfect for making drugs. Even with efforts to stop it, the Bedouins keep up their cannabis and opium work. The Sinai is key for making and moving drugs in Egypt.

Legal Risks and Law Enforcement

In Egypt, the weed culture is pretty chill, especially in places like Hurghada. But, don’t think the legal risks are small. Having even a little weed can lead to big trouble. You could face long prison times or even life for having a lot.

Penalties for Possession and Distribution

Recently, Egypt has gotten tough on drugs. Right now, 11 people are facing death for drug crimes. Having or sharing weed can lead to big fines or jail. For example, having up to 10 grams can cost you up to 3,000 Egyptian pounds ($200) and a year in jail.

Bribery and Corruption

Even with strict drug laws, bribery and corruption are big problems in Egypt. Some cops might take bribes to ignore drug stuff, especially in the Sinai Peninsula. This is where most of Egypt’s weed comes from. Tourists should be careful and never try to bribe anyone.

Visitors to Hurghada and Egypt should know about the legal risks weed and Egypt drug laws before trying anything. It’s important to stay alert and not get mixed up in bribery and corruption in Egypt drug trade. This way, you can have a safe and fun trip.

legal risks weed Hurghada


The weed in Hurghada, Egypt, is a complex topic. It has a long history, relaxed social views, and a strong black market. But, there are strict laws and efforts to enforce them. As a visitor, be careful with cannabis, know the risks, and keep safe.

Egypt’s cannabis culture is alive, but you must know the laws and reality. Many visitors try marijuana in Hurghada, and it’s easy to find. But, remember, there are big risks. Possession can lead to harsh penalties, and corruption is a problem.

To wrap up, the weed in Hurghada, Egypt, needs careful thought. Learn about the culture, laws, and risks. This way, you can make smart choices and stay safe during your visit.


What is the history of cannabis in Egypt?

Egypt has a long history with cannabis, starting from 2,000 BCE. It was used for medicine back then. Now, it’s still popular, especially among the middle class.

How easy is it to obtain cannabis in Hurghada, Egypt?

Getting cannabis in Hurghada is easy. You can find it from local dealers. It costs about for 10 grams of good quality hashish. But, be careful because the quality can change and some may have additives.

Where does the cannabis in Hurghada come from?

The Sinai Peninsula is where cannabis grows in Egypt. Bedouin nomads grow it and opium poppies there. They keep making hashish, some for locals and some for Hurghada.

What are the legal risks of using cannabis in Egypt?

Getting cannabis in Egypt is easy, but the legal risks are real. Possessing even a little can lead to serious penalties, like life in prison. Many are facing death for drug crimes. Yet, bribery and corruption are common, with some cops taking bribes to ignore drug activities.

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