weed in Moscow, Russia

Discover Weed in Moscow, Russia: Your Guide

Want to know about weed in Moscow, Russia? This guide covers the legal rules, risks, and what people think about cannabis in Moscow. You’ll learn about possession and sale laws and where to find medical and industrial hemp. It’s great for both locals and visitors to the city.

This article will help you understand the cannabis scene in Moscow. It’s full of important info to know.

Key Takeaways

  • Russia has strict laws against possession, sale, and growing cannabis. Breaking these laws can lead to big penalties.
  • Medicinal cannabis is not allowed in Russia, even though some people want it to be.
  • Russia used to be a big producer of hemp, a plant with many uses.
  • In Moscow, finding and buying marijuana can be tricky. Be careful because it’s often illegal.
  • It’s important to know the laws and cultural views on cannabis in Russia. This helps you stay safe and respectful.

weed Laws in Russia

In Russia, the laws on marijuana are strict. It’s important to know these laws if you think about using or dealing with cannabis there.


Having cannabis in Russia can lead to fines and even jail. If you have up to 6 grams, you might get a fine. But having more than 7 grams is a crime. You could get fines, corrective labor, or even 3 years in jail.

To avoid big trouble, don’t carry more than 1 gram of cannabis.


Selling cannabis in Russia is a big deal. Even a little bit can get you into big trouble. You could face huge fines and long jail times. Selling a lot can get you up to 12 years in jail and big fines.

The government is very tough on selling marijuana. It’s best to stay away from it.


Growing cannabis is also against the law in Russia. Like with possession and sale, growing it can lead to jail. The government is very strict about drugs, so growing weed is risky.

Offense Penalty
Possession of up to 6 grams of marijuana Administrative penalties (fines, corrective labor)
Possession of more than 7 grams of marijuana Criminal offense, punishable by up to 3 years in prison
Sale of cannabis (small-scale) Heavy fines, lengthy prison sentences
Large-scale drug trafficking Up to 12 years in prison, significant monetary penalties
Cultivation of marijuana (any quantity) Risk of imprisonment

Russia doesn’t allow the use, sale, or growing of cannabis. If caught, you could face big fines or even jail. It’s best to stay away from these activities.

Is CBD Legal in Russia?

No, CBD is not legal in Russia, no matter the THC level. Even hemp-based CBD is seen as illegal drugs there. The case of Brittney Griner, a U.S. basketball player arrested for hashish oil, shows the dangers of having cannabis products in Russia.

Russia is very strict on drugs. Having CBD oil or hemp-derived CBD can lead to big problems. Griner was arrested in February 2022, during a tense time between the U.S. and Russia. If found guilty, she could get up to 10 years in jail.

In the U.S. and some other places, CBD legality in Russia is different. But Russia doesn’t allow any cannabis products, even those with little THC. The CBD oil laws in Moscow and all over Russia say no to CBD.

“Russian officials have sharply rejected the U.S. designation of Griner as ‘wrongfully detained,’ indicating that the Brittney Griner cannabis oil arrest case will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Russian law.”

Because of CBD legality in Russia, it’s risky to bring hemp-derived CBD or other cannabis items into the country. People visiting or living there should be very careful. Doing something small wrong can lead to big legal trouble.

weed in Moscow, Russia

Where to Buy weed in Moscow, Russia

Finding weed in Moscow can be risky for foreigners. There are no street dealers, and buying from strangers is dangerous. The best way is to meet young Russians at trance or techno parties. But, this method is still risky because the government doesn’t like drugs.

Moscow Marijuana Prices

Weed and hash prices in Moscow change a lot. You can get regular weed for 500-600 rubles ($5-6 USD) per small amount. But, good quality hydroponic weed can be up to $100 USD per small amount. Hash costs about 400-800 rubles ($4-8 USD) per gram.

But, you can’t be sure of the quality or safety of these products. Moscow’s weed market is not regulated well. This means you might get something bad or fake.

Getting weed in Moscow is hard and risky for foreigners. The rules for selling weed are not, and the government doesn’t like drugs. Visitors should be careful and follow the law to avoid trouble.

Item Price Range
Regular Weed 500-600 rubles ($5-$6 USD) per matchbox
High-Quality Weed Up to 100 USD per matchbox
Hash 400-800 rubles ($4-$8 USD) per gram

“Cannabis smuggling can lead to severe legal consequences in Russia, as evidenced by the high-profile cases of American citizens facing lengthy prison sentences.”

The weed market in Moscow might look interesting, but safety first. It’s better to enjoy the city’s culture, art, and sights than to get into illegal drugs.

Medicinal weed in Moscow, Russia

In 2019, Russia made a move to allow growing cannabis for medical and vet use. But, medical marijuana is still a no-go in the country. It’s seen as a strict drug, not for medical use. So, even with new laws, people can’t get their hands on it.

There’s a big worry about getting medicinal weed in Russia. Even with some steps forward, making cannabis for medical use in Moscow legal is hard. People who could use legal medical cannabis are stuck without options. This shows how tough it is to get new health care ideas in Russia.

“The Russian government’s continued prohibition on medical cannabis suggests that this form of treatment is unlikely to become available in the near future.”

Even as more countries say yes to medical marijuana, Russia is still saying no. They stick to old drug rules. This shows they’re not ready to see the good in cannabis for medical use. It’s part of a bigger issue with changing health care and new ways to use this plant.

medical marijuana in Russia

The fight for medical cannabis in Russia is ongoing. Patients and supporters are pushing for better treatment options. It’s a tough road ahead, but helping people live better lives is worth it.

Industrial Hemp in Russia

Russia has a long history with industrial hemp. It was a big deal back in the 18th century. They made up to 80% of Europe’s hemp supply back then.

This hemp trade was so big, it even led to a “hemp war” with Napoleon. He wanted to control Russia’s hemp production.

By around 1740, Russia made most of Europe’s hemp. They used it for things like sails and ropes. In fact, most of Britain’s hemp came from Russia back then.

History of Hemp in Russia

The Russian Revolution didn’t stop Russia from being a top hemp producer. In 1931, a special place was made in Glukhov, Ukraine for hemp research. But, hemp farming in Russia got less popular over time.

Now, there’s just one hemp farm left in the country. But, there’s still a lot of wild hemp in the east, near the Black Sea. The Russian hemp market is small, but it could grow as the industry changes.

Statistic Value
Tsarist Russia’s hemp production 40% of all hemp used in Europe (16th to 18th centuries)
USSR’s global hemp fiber production 80% (until the 1960s)
Total area for hemp cultivation in the USSR 680,000 hectares
Current hemp cultivation in Russia Approximately 14,000 hectares

Even though hemp farming has dropped off, Russia’s hemp history is still important. The cannabis hemp industry in Russia might grow again in the future. This could bring back the history of hemp in Moscow and other places.

weed History and Politics in Russia

Russia has a long history with cannabis. Archaeologists found evidence that people used it for medicine, religion, or spiritual reasons thousands of years ago. But today, Russia is very against drugs, especially cannabis.

President Vladimir Putin doesn’t want to legalize marijuana. He’s even threatened to block Wikipedia over cannabis pages. This makes Russia have some of the toughest laws in Europe for weed.

People in Russia started growing cannabis in the 8th century. By 1914, more people used it because of alcohol laws. This led to more use of hashish and marijuana.

Now, Russia is very clear about cannabis. Having up to 6 grams is a minor crime, but more is a big crime. In 2018, about 100,000 people were put in jail for drugs, mostly for having them, not selling them.

Most Russians don’t want to legalize drugs. A 2014 poll showed only 14% supported it. In 2018, a survey found little support for making drugs less illegal.

But, younger people in Russia might think differently. Sociologists say those under 24 are more open to not punishing drug use so harshly. This could mean a change in drug laws in the future.

“The state polling agency VTsIOM reported in 2018 that there is little public support for drug decriminalization in Russia.”

The history and politics of cannabis in Russia are against it. The government and people are mostly against it. Even though some young people might want change, Russia is still very against marijuana.

Russian weed Slang Dictionary

To get into the cannabis scene in Moscow, you need to know more than just basic words. Learning Russian slang for marijuana is key. Words like “dudka” and “trava” mean weed. “Gashish” is for hashish, and “boshki” or “shishki” means high-quality buds.

This dictionary will help you talk the talk when you’re looking for your next high. But remember, getting cannabis in Russia is risky. Know the slang, but be careful in the drug world.

Russian Slang Term English Meaning
Dudka Marijuana
Trava Marijuana
Gashish Hashish
Boshki High-quality marijuana buds
Shishki High-quality marijuana buds

Knowing these terms will help you understand Russian drug culture better. It makes talking about cannabis in Russia easier. But remember, using and having cannabis in Russia is risky.

Risks of Buying and Using Weed in Moscow

Buying and using weed in Moscow is risky. The Russian government is tough on drugs, with almost no one getting off free. This makes buying weed in Moscow dangerous. Even a little weed can lead to big fines, hard labor, or jail.

Also, trying to buy weed from unknown people is risky. You might get bad or fake weed. This adds more legal and health dangers.

So, being very careful and smart is key when thinking about using marijuana in Moscow.

  1. Harsh consequences of cannabis possession in Moscow: Heavy fines, corrective labor, or prison sentences.
  2. Risks of purchasing from unknown sources: Adulterated or substituted products, leading to further legal and health risks.
  3. Importance of caution and discretion: Extreme precaution is necessary when considering marijuana use in Moscow due to the legal issues with weed in Russia.

Moscow weed risks

“The withdrawal period is particularly dangerous for users, as it can result in severe depression and risky behaviors.”

Using weed in Moscow is risky. Always be very careful and smart when thinking about it.


The world of weed in Moscow, Russia, is complex and risky. Many people use cannabis, but the government is strict. They have tough laws and big penalties for breaking them.

Brittney Griner, a famous WNBA star, got nine years in a Russian jail for drugs. This shows how serious the laws are. With a 99% win rate in courts, avoiding punishment is hard.

Using weed in Moscow comes with big legal risks. It’s important to know the laws and the culture around it. Being careful is key because getting caught can change your life. Think carefully about your choices to stay safe and well.


What are the penalties for possessing weed in Moscow, Russia?

In Russia, having cannabis can lead to fines or even jail. If you have up to 6 grams, you might get a fine. But having more than 7 grams is a crime. You could face fines, corrective labor, or up to 3 years in jail.It’s best to not carry more than 1 gram to avoid big legal problems.

Is the sale of weed in Russia treated as a serious crime?

Yes, selling cannabis in Russia is a serious crime. Even small sales can lead to big fines and long jail time. Selling a lot can get you up to 12 years in jail and huge fines.The government is very strict about selling marijuana, so it’s risky.

Is cultivating weed illegal in Russia?

Yes, growing cannabis is illegal in Russia. It’s as risky as selling or having it. Even a little bit can get you in jail.The government is very strict about drugs, so growing marijuana is dangerous.

Is CBD legal in Russia?

No, CBD is not legal in Russia, even if it has little THC. Even products from hemp are seen as illegal drugs. The case of U.S. basketball player Brittney Griner shows how risky it is to have any cannabis product in Russia.

Where can I buy weed in Moscow, Russia?

Finding marijuana in Moscow is hard and risky for foreigners. There are no street dealers you can easily find. You might get it from young Russians at certain parties.But, this is still very risky because the government doesn’t like drugs.

What are the typical prices for marijuana and hashish in Moscow?

Prices for weed and hashish in Moscow change a lot. You might pay -6 USD for a small amount of weed. High-quality weed can cost up to 0 USD per matchbox.Hashish costs between -8 USD per gram. But, the quality can be bad because the market is not regulated.

Is medical marijuana legal in Russia?

Medical marijuana is not legal in Russia, even though a 2019 bill allowed some cannabis growing. Cannabis is still a controlled drug. So, medical cannabis is not available.The government doesn’t allow it, so it won’t be legal soon.

What is the history of industrial hemp in Russia?

Russia used to be a big producer of hemp in the 18th century. It supplied most of Europe’s hemp. This led to a “hemp war” with Napoleon.But, hemp growing decreased over time. Now, only one hemp farm is left. Yet, there’s still a lot of wild hemp in the eastern regions.

What is the history and politics of cannabis in Russia?

Russia has a long history of using cannabis for different reasons. But, today, the government is very anti-drug. President Putin doesn’t support legalizing marijuana.This has led to some of the toughest drug laws in Europe.

What are some common Russian slang terms for cannabis?

Knowing slang terms like “dudka” and “trava” can help when looking for weed in Moscow. “Gashish” means hashish, and “boshki” means high-quality weed. But, buying weed in Russia is still risky.

What are the risks of buying and using weed in Moscow?

Buying and using weed in Moscow is risky. The government doesn’t tolerate drugs and has strict laws. Even a little weed can lead to big fines or jail.Buying from unknown people can also be dangerous. You might get bad or fake weed. So, be very careful if you think about using marijuana in Moscow.

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