weed in Tehran

Weed in Tehran: Your Guide to Cannabis Culture

In Iran, more people are using cannabis, even though it’s illegal. The government used to be very strict on drugs. But now, the rules for having weed are not as strict. You might get flogged, fined, or even go to jail, depending on how much you have.

Tehran is the heart of Iran’s weed culture. It’s like a hidden world where people enjoy weed for fun or health reasons. This city is known as the “Little Amsterdam” of the Middle East.

We’re going to explore the world of weed in Tehran. You’ll learn about the laws, the different types of weed, and why it’s becoming more popular. This guide is for anyone interested in the cannabis culture in Iran.

Key Takeaways

  • Cannabis use in Iran has become increasingly common, despite the country’s traditional harsh stance on drug-related crimes.
  • Tehran, the capital of Iran, has emerged as the epicenter of the country’s cannabis culture, earning it the nickname “Little Amsterdam” of the Middle East.
  • The legal landscape surrounding marijuana in Iran has evolved, with penalties for possession and trafficking becoming more proportionate to the quantity involved.
  • Iran’s cannabis culture is influenced by the country’s rich history of medicinal and spiritual use of the plant, as well as the growing recreational demand.
  • Weed in Tehran offers a unique glimpse into the convergence of Middle Eastern traditions and the global cannabis landscape.

Cannabis Legality and History in Iran

In Iran, cannabis is illegal for fun or medicine. But, the country has a deep history with the plant. Sufis, Islamic mystics, have used hashish in their ceremonies since the 13th century.

Avicenna, a famous Iranian scientist, suggested cannabis as a pain reliever in his Canon. Al-Razi, a doctor, also used hemp leaves to treat sickness.

Even though it’s illegal, people in Iran don’t always get in trouble for using cannabis. In 1989, a law made having more than five kilograms of hashish punishable by death. But, some Islamic scholars think cannabis isn’t banned in the Quran.

In 2015, an Iranian politician named Saeed Sefatian talked about making cannabis legal to reduce drug use. Now, Iran is thinking about changing its drug laws. They might make a system where the government controls drug use.

Medicinal and Recreational Cannabis Laws

Using cannabis in Iran is tricky because the rules depend on how much you have. The Anti-narcotic Law says growing cannabis for drugs is illegal. You could get fined, whipped, or go to jail.

But, a study in 2022 found many types of cannabis in Iran. They have different levels of THC and CBD. This shows cannabis has been around for a long time and might be good for medicine.

Quantity of Cannabis Possession Penalty
Less than 5 kilograms Flogging, fines, or prison time
More than 5 kilograms Death penalty

As more countries change their cannabis laws, Iran’s view on it is still up for debate. They might change their laws in the future.

Weed in Tehran: The Rise of Iran’s “Little Amsterdam”

Even though weed is illegal in Iran, it’s still big in the country’s culture and economy. A village called Ghalat in the southwest is famous for its illegal weed. It’s like Iran’s “Little Amsterdam.”

Drug traffickers go to Ghalat for the cheap weed. This has made Tehran’s weed culture grow.

Ghalat is a small village in the mountains. It’s a big spot for Tehran’s cannabis culture. The weather and soil are perfect for growing top-notch weed. Farmers there sell weed to drug traffickers and people who just want to have fun.

The drug trafficking in Iran has made Ghalat a big deal for weed. Traffickers buy a lot of weed there to sell all over Iran, even in Tehran. This weed from Ghalat has made Tehran’s weed culture really strong. People find ways to get this illegal weed even though it’s against the law.

Retail Price for Weed Wholesale Price for Weed Price for Weed in Certain Stores
$60 per ounce $30 per ounce Near $20 per gram

The Iranian government tries to stop weed production and sale, but it’s hard. The weed trade is too tempting. As long as people want weed, Ghalat and other places will keep making it. This will keep growing Tehran’s unique weed culture.

“Iran has diverse cannabis landraces with varied THC and CBD content, containing rich natural cannabis resources with high diversity attributed to genetic and environmental factors.”

Tehran's cannabis culture

Diverse Cannabis Landraces and Cultivation

Iran is home to many cannabis landraces. This shows the country’s varied geography and climate. A study found that Iranian cannabis has a lot of THC and CBD. This could be great for breeding programs.

The study looked at 20 cannabis types. These came from different places like cold mountains and warm dry areas. Each place has its own special cannabis.

Rich Genetic Diversity and Cannabis Breeding

This research showed a lot of diversity in Iranian cannabis. Some varieties bloom early and could be great for breeding. Cannabis cultivation in Iran is popular in places like Gilan and Baluchistan. The Iranian cannabis landraces do well there.

The study found interesting things about how the environment affects the cannabis. For example, breeding in Iran could use the link between temperature and cannabinoids. This could help make new cannabis types for different climates.

Trait Correlation
Latitude Negative correlation with THC and CBD content
Elevation Negative correlation with THC and CBD content
Temperature Positive correlation with THC and CBD content
Relative Humidity Negative correlation with CBD content, and negative correlation between RHmin and THC content

This study shows a big chance for cannabis cultivation in Iran. Iranian cannabis landraces could be key in cannabis breeding in Iran. By using this genetic diversity, we can make new cannabis for different uses.

“Iran has a strong foundation to initiate cannabis breeding programs for industrial and medical purposes, despite the plant’s illegal status.”

The Future of Weed in Tehran

Iran is looking at how to handle cannabis, and it’s a big question. The mix of religion and politics makes it hard to decide. People are talking about if it’s good or bad.

Cannabis is still illegal, but things might change. Taking off death penalty for small amounts shows a new view. With so many people addicted, the government wants to help more.

Even though it’s illegal, you can smell weed in places like restaurants and ski resorts. This shows many people use it. The laws are not strict for small amounts, hinting at a softer stance.

Iran is still figuring out how to handle cannabis regulation in Iran, potential cannabis legalization in Iran, and Iran’s drug policy reform. Everyone is watching to see what happens next.

Statistic Value
Alcohol treatment centers opened in Tehran (2015) 150
Increase in marijuana use in Tehran Significant
Individuals aged 15-64 who reported cannabis use more than five times in the past year (IranMHS survey, 2011) 50
Participants reached during the follow-up study who reported abstinence from cannabis in the past year 19 out of 25
Participants who reported at least one adverse event related to cannabis use in the past six years 18 out of 25

The future of weed in Tehran is still up in the air. Iran is dealing with big decisions on cannabis, legalization, and drug policies.

“The Islamic Republic’s unique combination of religious exegesis and political machination through official channels makes it an interesting case study for the future of cannabis regulation in the Middle East.”

cannabis in Tehran


Cannabis has a long history in Iran. It’s been important for spiritual, medicinal, and cultural reasons for centuries. Now, it’s getting more popular in cities, making Tehran’s “Little Amsterdam” famous.

This has started a big debate about how to handle cannabis legally and religiously. The debate is about finding the right balance.

Iran is a special place where religion and politics meet. This makes it interesting for studying how countries deal with cannabis. The future of cannabis in Tehran is still up in the air. But, one thing is sure: cannabis will keep playing a big role in Iranian life.

The story of cannabis in Iran is complex and interesting. It shows how deep cannabis roots go in the country’s culture. As the world talks more about legalizing cannabis, Iran’s story will give us new ideas and lessons.

Whether you like cannabis, study policy, or just find culture interesting, the future of weed in Tehran is worth watching. It’s part of a big story about this plant that many people find both useful and controversial.


Is cannabis legal in Iran?

No, cannabis is illegal in Iran for both medical and recreational use. But, the law is not always strict. In cities like Tehran, cannabis use is becoming more common.

What is the history of cannabis in Iran?

Cannabis has a long history in Iran. It was used in spiritual, medicinal, and cultural ways for centuries. Sufis used hashish in religious ceremonies. Avicenna, an Iranian scientist, also recommended it as a pain reliever.

What is the current legal status of marijuana in Iran?

Iran used to have very strict anti-drug laws, including death penalties for drug crimes. But in 2018, they changed the law. Now, people caught with weed face fines, flogging, or jail, based on how much they had.

What is the “Little Amsterdam” of Iran?

A village called Ghalat in southern Iran is known as “Little Amsterdam” for its illegal marijuana. Drug dealers came there for cheap weed. This made Tehran’s cannabis culture grow.

What is the genetic diversity of cannabis in Iran?

Iran has cannabis with a lot of THC and CBD, thanks to its diverse genetics and geography. The study looked at 20 cannabis types from different parts of the country. These areas have different climates and landscapes.

What is the future of weed in Tehran?

Iran is talking about changing its rules on cannabis and opium. This could lead to legalizing drugs in a controlled way. There’s a big debate about the plant’s risks and benefits. Some think there might be changes in the laws soon.

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